
High Post Golf Club

Two's Report for Seniors Scratch Open 1st day 1st tee closed 11.45 - 4pm and 12th tee from 12.30 - 4.30 pm

Tuesday 4th September 2018, White Tees, Old High Post

Mike Andrew (5)211th
Robert Bardwell (11)28th
Keith Clinnick (6)211th
Martin Cooper (4)211th
Alan Drayton (5)211th
Alan Drayton (5)25th
Keith Elvin (5)28th
I L Foster (3)28th
Robert Gill (5)28th
Ian MacDonald (5)211th
Alan Mew (0)217th
Alan Mew (0)211th
David Price (2)28th
Peter Rattue (7)28th
Kevin Rayner (6)28th
Graham Tansley (9)211th
Graham Tansley (9)28th
Graham Tansley (9)25th
Steve Webb (5)25th
George Best Wilson (0)28th
George Best Wilson (0)25th

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